LTO CDE Online exam reviewer+answer (English)

When can a child be exempted to be sitted in a child restraint system?

Answer: If the child requires immediate medical treatment

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What will happen if the driver refuses to undergo mandatory testing, if such driver is suspected of driving under the influence of liquor?

Answer: Confiscation of driver’s license and consequent automatic revocation

When shall an Alcohol Breath Analyzer (ABA) be used?

Answer: When the driver failed at least one of the field sobriety tests

What is the initial Driver’s License Classification for applicants of new license?

Answer: Non professional driver’s license (NPDL)

Under the Children’s Safety on Motorcycles Act, a child below 18 years old can’t ride in a two-wheeled motorcycle on public roads unless:

Answer: The child can comfortably reach his/her feet on the standard foot peg of the motor cycle, his/her arms can reach around and grasp the waist of the motorcycle driver, and he/she is wearing the standard protective helmet.

Which of the following is the objective of Motor Vehicle User’s Charge Law?

Answer: To fund and prevent premature deterioration of the road

How can you overcome stress?

Answer: taking a deep breath, sitting comfortably, listening to soothing music, allowing enough space in front and providing extra travel time

What type of motor vehicles are covered by Motor Vehicle User’s Charge Law?

Answer: All motor vehicles registered with LTO

If your vehicle is stopped at an intersection, in what color of traffic light can you compose your text messages?

Answer: None, texting is prohibited even if the vehicle is stopped at an intersection

What are the three field sobriety tests?

Answer: Eye test, walk and turn, one leg stand

Registration of motor vehicle may be suspended if:

Answer: motor vehicle is capable of causing excessive damage to public roads

Where do the collected payments for Motor Vehicle User’s Charge go?

Answer: The collected payments shall be used to upgrade or maintain the roads

When you are about to turn left then a fast-moving vehicle from the other side of the road suddenly heads to the direction you intended to turn. What will you do?

Answer: allow the fast-moving vehicle to pass

What type of helmet should a rider must use?

Answer: Standard motorcycle helmet compliant to specifications of DTI

A 30-day suspension of the driver’s license shall be imposed if:

Answer: The driver fails to pay the corresponding penalty of the apprehension within 15 days

One good rule to observe when you cannot see clearly while driving in adverse weather condition is to:

Answer: move to a safe spot, stop and switch on the hazard lights

When may you lend your driver’s license?

Answer: Under no circumstances

What is the main purpose of having a vehicle undergo regular vehicle maintenance inspection?

Answer: to check the roadworthiness of the vehicle

What should a law enforcer do upon seizing a motorcycle from a traffic offender?

Answer: Send the motorcycle to the impounding area

Can a driver use a photocopy of driver’s license while driving?

Answer: No