LTFRB Colorum Violation

Ano nga ba ang mga colorum na sasakyan?

  • A private motor vehicle operating as a PUV but without proper authority from the LTFRB:
  • A PUV operating outside of its approved route or area without a prior permit from the Board or outside the exceptions provided under existing memorandum circulars;
  • A PUV operating differently from its authorized denominations (ex. those approved as school service but operating as UV express, or those approved as tourist bus transport but operating as city or provincial bus); and
  • A PUV with suspended or cancelled CPC and Decision/Order of the suspension or cancellation is executory; and
  • A PUV with expired CPC and without a pending application for extension of validity timely filed before the Board.

Ano ang mga Fines at Penalties ng mga colorum na sasakyan?

1st Offense

  • BUS - Php 1,000,000.00 and minimum impounding of unit for three (3) months
  • TRUCK - Php 200,000.00 and minimum impounding of unit for three (3) months
  • JEEPNEY - Php 50,000.00 and minimum impounding of unit for three (3) months
  • VAN - Php 200,000.00 and minimum impounding of unit for three (3) months
  • SEDAN - Php 120,000.00 and minimum impounding of unit for three (3) months
  • MC - Php 6,000.00 and minimum impounding of unit for three (3) months

Status of CPC:

  1. Revocation of the ENTIRE Certificate of Public Convenience (“CPC”) where the apprehended vehicle belongs (expect when apprehended vehicle is with private/green plate);
  2. Blacklisting of the apprehended vehicle and all other authorized units included in the CPC from being used as a public utility vehicle; and
  3. Revocation of the registration of the apprehended ve­hicle and all other authorized units included in the franchise.

2nd Offense

  1. Revocation of ALL CPCs (entire fleet) of the operator;
  2. Disqualification of the operator, and, in case of a corporation, all its stockholders and directors, to operate any kind of public land transportation;
  3. Blackisting of ALL authorized units (entire fleet) of the operator from being used as public utility vehicle; and
  4. Revocation of the registration of ALL authorized units (entire fleet) of the operator.

In deteremining the frequency of offenses, LTFRB and its RFRBs will count offenses against operators and not against a particular motor vehicle or CPC. Hence, the second apprehension of a vehicle belonging to the same operator, regardless of whether the first and second vehicle apprehended are included in the same or different CPCs, shall be counted as (2nd) offense.

If a private motor vehicle operating as a PUV but without proper authority from the LTFRB is apprehended, the LTFRB or RFRBs shall, in addition to the abovementioned fines, impounding, and penalty, disqualify the registered owner, and, in case of a corporation, all its stockholders and directors, to operate any kind of public land transportation.