LTO Medical Conditions and Driving Indications

Condition Indication/Driving Requirement
1 Drive only with corrective lenses. This is indicated in the driver’s license of a licensee that he/she is certified by an accredited physician to be out of the 20/40 vision and will not be allowed to drive without wearing eyeglasses or corrective lenses.
2 Drive only with special equipment for upper limbs and/or lower limbs. This is indicated in the driver’s license of a licensee with impairment at the upper limb.
3 Drive customized motor vehicle only. This is indicated in the driver’s license of a licensee to drive especially designed motor vehicles only and duly registered with LTO.
4 Drive only during daylight. This is indicated in the driver’s license of a licensee that are only allowed to drive during daylight. This includes partially or totally blind in one eye.
5 Drive only with hearing aid. This is indicated in the driver’s license of a licensee with impaired hearing.
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