Two passwords in router?

There are two passwords on the router that you’ll need to reset to avoid hackers from entering your wifi.
The Wi-Fi network password: this is the one you use to connect your devices to the network. A unique and secure Wi-Fi network password prevents strangers from getting onto your network.
The router admin password: this is the one that lets you into the administrative side of the device. There, you can do things like change settings (including the Wi-Fi network password). If a hacker managed to log into the admin side of your router, the hacker could change the settings (including your Wi-Fi password). That would undo any other security steps you may be taking.
To find instructions for changing your router’s admin and network passwords, first, find the name of your router’s manufacturer. Then go online and search for “how to change your router manufacturer admin password” and “how to change your router manufacturer Wi-Fi network password.”

This is informative. Thank you.