Why does TikTok have a 59 seconds limit?

TikTok is a social network of videos. However, this social network is based on small, brief video clips, as opposed to other platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. Now, how long can a video be made in TikTok?

The videos can last 3 to 60 seconds if we record our content from the application. The content hosted in TikTok is often amazing because of this limitation. Use the lower selector on the interface to limit a video to 15 seconds.

Use the timeline shown at the top in blue to check how much time you have left.

We need to clarify a little. TikTok actually allows you to load more than 60 seconds of content. You have to tap the Upload button to get this done.

Then, from the gallery, select a video, regardless the length. The only way, you will see, is to pre-register content with a camera application on our device for more than 60 seconds.

Is TikTok too restrictive to restrict video duration? No, of course. It remains true to its very nature and philosophy: short videos, shocking and addictive. The users express their creativity even more thanks to the time limit. The platform is inherent in it, which you must adapt to if your profile is to be successful.