How do you mine Alien Worlds?

To mine on alien worlds, you just need to…

  1. Pick a planet.
  2. Select some land.
  3. Choose your tools (and, if necessary, charge them).
  4. Hit the mine button.

How to Mine on Alien Worlds

  1. First, you must select a planet to mine. Some planets may have larger prize pools than others, and some may be more inclined to reward users, so pick wisely.

  2. There are actually six planets to choose from, after which you must select a land. If you’re a wealthy explorer, you might have your own land to mine on, or you might prefer to mine on the land of a buddy. If you mine on someone else’s property, you must split the profits with them.

There are 20 different terrain types, each with its own set of modifications that effect the quantity of pot you can get and the likelihood of getting an NFT.

Now, if you merely want to mine rapidly and frequently, you should definitely stick to the plains and tools with a short charge time. An active volcano and some explosives may be an excellent alternative if you want to set up your company and only visit two or three times a day.

  1. Decide on your tools right now.You will be given a shovel as a rookie explorer, but if you are lucky enough to uncover another tool or obtain one from an Alien Worlds launch pack, it will aid you in your mining endeavors.

Each tool has a charge time that indicates how long you must charge before mining. Each tool also includes statistics that determine how much Trilium you can take and how lucky you are with NFTs.

You can use up to three tools at once, and if you use all three, the one with the quickest charging time will be chosen without any additional delays.

  1. After that, you can mine for your portion of the planet’s Trilium pool once everything is ready. You might also acquire an Alien Worlds NFT if you’re extremely lucky.

There are a variety of ways you can use them to increase your Trilium share or NFT haul. So gather your equipment and land, and get ready to mine.